If you missed the January workshops, you can join us Feb 8 via zoom. Note the time: 10:00 – 1:00 pm. Creating a vision board with an intentional theme for the year helps you manifest all those experiences, things, situations and people that you are desiring. Joining together with others to create an inspired picture (collage board) of images that take you to your “Happy Place” not only focuses attention but also creates a positive intention for your year. Denise has been vision boarding and naming her year for the past 25 plus years and always finds it a joyous and creative experience. Through guided visualization, testimonials, written & movement exercises in preparation to create your board, something wonderful transforms your capacity to envision a larger idea of what is possible in your life. Commit to 3 hours of reflection, creativity and play with like minded individuals to create a life with meaning and purpose by starting with a vision. Sign up early to receive your preparation instructions of what to assemble.
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