Somatic Leadership Coaching

by Denise Kaku

I motivate individuals to transform their lives by mindfulness & sharing wisdom for self development.

Denise offers somatic leadership coaching services and organization development consulting to individuals, teams, and organizations. She is a Certified Somatic Coach and associate of the Strozzi Institute with extensive experience in all phases of organization effectiveness. Ms. Kaku has a master’s degree in Organization Development from the University of San Francisco and has advanced coaching training. She is a former certified public accountant and Internal Revenue agent. Ms. Kaku served on the Board of the Professional Women’s Network. She has been a presenter at the International Coach Federation Conference, the National Organization Development Network, and various other local organizations. She has designed and delivered public workshops on communication, goal-setting, and managing change.

so·mat·ic səˈmadik/ adjective 1. of or relating to the body, especially as distinct from the mind.

Denise offers somatic leadership coaching services and organization development consulting to individuals, teams, and organizations

At some point in many people’s lives, breakdowns occur, boredom sets in or a general feeing of “Is that all there is?” happens. The beauty of hiring a coach is that you get to experience a qualified “listener” that honors your “dark night of the soul” in a way that you are able to find your way through and come out the other end a better version of who you are.

Somatic coaching is a particular way of examining life from a felt sense of aliveness. Denise has been trained as a somatic coach by both the Strozzi Institute and the Newfield Network to look at one’s physical and energetic presence. Questioning and probing for what wants to emerge in the way of new distinctions, helps one to expand awareness and lean into the edges of personal growth.


Questioning and probing for what wants to emerge in the way of new distinctions, helps one to expand awareness and lean into the edges of personal growth.

Since the goal of your coach is to work oneself out of a job by assisting you in building capacity to self-correct, self-renew and self-generate, capacity building is key. You will not be the same person with a minimum 3-month commitment to somatic coaching. Expect reflection exercises, journaling practices and perhaps meditation in some form to assist you on your journey of self-discovery. Denise’s role is as a sacred witness to your own transformation and personal power.

Coaching is not for sissies. It takes courage and desire to dive deep into one’s heart and uncover those untapped resources and longings for a more meaningful life. Denise can help you accelerate that journey with compassion, kindness and curiosity. Become an empowered leader of your life with newfound ways of observing yourself and others.

Accellerate your business with Somatic Leadership Coaching.

Are you ready to take the next step? Let’s share a discovery call to get started.

Client Testimonials

Some love words from clients